Kids On Air Kids On Airは世界で生き抜くための力を身につける
インターナショナル プリスクール&アフタースクールです


FAQ (よくある質問)

Is Kids On Air an International School?
Yes, Kids On Air is an International School. We have a preschool and an after school program in a native English-speaking environment.
Is Homework tutoring available?
Absolutely! We are able to provide direct assistance to children during the homework part of the Kids On Air daily program schedule.
Are meals provided?
Meals are available upon request. Each meal is 600 yen and catered by a company that uses mainly organic ingredients. The health of your child has been carefully thought out when choosing meals.
Do you provide a school bus?
We do not have a regular bus but we do offer a limited pick-up and drop-off service within our area of service.
Who can attend?
Children who attend International School or Japanese Elementary School from grades 1-4 are eligible for Kids On Air after school. Even if your child does not understand English, your child will be able to easily participate in all Kids On Air activities.
What is the sick policy?
If kids are sick during school hours, we will contact you and if necessary take your child to hospital. If your child is sick, they must be absent from Kids On Air.
What if I don’t pick up my child on time?
Don’t worry, we will take care of your child. Extension care is available, but please not that this service results in additional extension charges.
What time is class?
he basic programs runs Monday to Friday, starting at 2pm and ending at 7pm. Your child can arrive and leave at whichever time you’d like however, our main project for the day typically starts at 4pm. Please check below for our typical daily program schedule.
How do I know what my child is doing at Kids On Air?
Kids On Air instructors and students put together a journal to document their journey and experiences at the end of each day. There is also a private online journal which parents can view using a computer or smartphone.
Do you only accept students at the beginning of each semester?
No, you are always welcome! We don’t want your child to miss out on any of the valueable experiences that we have at Kids On Air.
Are there field trips?
Every semester we have a big trip or event. The most notable of which are Kids On Air Summer Camp and Winter Camp in which we get out of Tokyo city and take part in adventures in beautiful Hakuba, Japan. Videos from previous camps can be found on our Facebook page the link is above.
Q インターナショナルスクールですか?
いわゆるインターナショナルスクールとは、外国人向けに設立された小学校などの教育機関の事を指しますが、Kids On Airは「インターナショナル プリスクール&アフタースクール」として2歳のお子様から小学校の放課後の時間まで、ネイティブ英語環境の中で学ぶスタジオです。
Q 宿題はみてくれますか?
Q 食事はございますか?
Q 送迎はありますか?
Q 対象は?
プリスクールは2歳〜6歳まで、アフタースクールは小学校1年生―4年生が対象となります。インターナショナルスクール、日本 の学校どちらのお子様にも通っていただけます。 全く英語がわからないお子様でも先生たちの前向きなリードと、バイリンガルスタッフによるサポートで、1ヵ月後くらいからは日々のプロジェクトへ英語で参加できるようになっていきます。
Q 体調を崩した場合の措置は?
Q お迎えの時間に遅れそうです
Q 時間帯は?
Q 子供の日々の様子は見ることができますか?
Q 学期の途中での入学は可能でしょうか?
Q 遠足(Field Trip)はありますか?
シーズナルキャンプでのお泊りやハワイ旅行など様々な企画があります。 Studioで学んだ事を大自然の中や海外にて実体験する、有意義な時間となります。